Aim and scope
The main purpose of the journal PERSPECTIVA is to present and solve current theological and philosophical problems. Their proper approach requires a historical perspective and contemporary cultural context. This means that many problems appear at the interface of the specific sciences with the theological and philosophical sciences. The discourse between these sciences creates an interdisciplinary space that demands methodological attention.
Editorial Team
Rev. Bogusław Drożdż, PhD, DSc
Rafał Szopa Phd
Language editing
Mrs. Anna Lichota (Polish)
Jarosław Sempryk PhD (English)
Thematic editors
Rev. Stanisław Araszczuk, Professor, PhD, DSc
Kazimiera Jaworska, PhD, DSc
Rev. Jan Klinkowski, PhD, DSc
Rev. Sławomir Stasiak, Professor, PhD, DSc
Advisory Board
Rev. Krzysztof Cisek, PhD – The Pontifical Gregorian University (Rzym)
Adam Drozdek, PhD – Duquesne University (USA)
Ks. dr Michael Grütering – Wuppertal (Niemcy)
Rev. Adam Przybecki, PhD, DSc – Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań)
Rev. Wiesław Przygoda, Professor, PhD, DSc – The John Paul Catholic University of Lublin
Jan Ryszard Sielezin, Professor, PhD, DSc – University of Wrocław
Rev. Józef Stala, Professor, PhD, DSc – The Pontifical University of John Paul II (Kraków)
Rev. Zbigniew Waleszczuk, PhD, DSc – Katholische Universität Eichstätt (Niemcy)
Code of Ethics
Publication ethics concern the obligations of authors, editors and reviewers.
The obligations of authors can be summed up in the necessity to comply with several basic principles. The submitted work must meet the principle of originality, which means that the text must be the intellectual property of the author. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are prohibited. The authorship of the work must avoid scientific dishonesty such as “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”. The issue of reliability of sources is important, which means that the author cites only those publications that he uses in an appropriate manner. If he uses information obtained privately, the written consent of these people to publish their information is necessary. If the presented publication contains content regarding research on humans and/or animals, the author is obliged to show the appropriate permission to conduct such research. The text submitted for publication cannot be published simultaneously in another journal. The submitted text cannot be a fragment of a compact publication, e.g. a monograph.
The editorial duties concern full responsibility for all content published in the journal. Submitted articles are measured by their significance for the journal, regardless of the author’s origin, nationality, ethical affiliation, political views, gender, race or religion. The editorial office may withdraw a submitted article if its subject matter is not consistent with the subject matter of the journal; if it does not meet the basic formal rules corresponding to the scientific values of the journal; if the author has ignored important comments on the text submitted by the editorial office or reviewers.
The reviewers’ duties translate into timeliness, confidentiality, objectivity, reliability and counteracting conflicts of interest. The reviewer is to complete the review within the established deadline. Any reasons delaying its creation or withdrawal from its completion are to be reported to the editorial office immediately. The principle of confidentiality assumes access to the review by authorized persons: the editor, the author and the reviewer himself. The reviewer meets the principle of objectivity if he evaluates the article in scientific categories, without entering into the personal assessment of the author of the text. The evaluation of an article requires the reviewer to be honest, which means that the reviewer should disclose everything that contradicts the scientific approach at the substantive and/or methodological level, including the source. If the reviewer considers that they are not competent to participate in the review preparation process, they should resign from submitting it. The reviewer counteracts conflicts of interest if they do not use the reviewed texts for their own benefit and when there is no actual conflict of interest at the level of the relationship between the reviewer and the author of the text. In the event of a conflict of interest, the reviewer is obliged to resign from participating in the review process. For this reason, they cannot be indicated by the editorial office for the purposes of preparing the review.
Privacy Statement
Email addresses and other information obtained in the editorial process of the journal, as well as placed on this website or on the published pages of specific articles are used only for the strictly defined purposes of this journal. Therefore, they will not be made available to third parties or institutions.
Open Acces, Licenses, Fees and sources of funding
Open Access, or open access, is the absence of technical and legal restrictions on the use of scientific materials placed on the public Internet. It assumes their further use in accordance with the provisions of copyright law on fair use or under the unlimited free Creative Commons license. The main directions of development of Open Access are open repositories and peer-reviewed Open Access journals. We are reading the document entitled Directions of development of open access (2015) and in the near future we will introduce the journal to the OJS system.
Articles in the journal “Perspectiva” are covered by the Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa – Użycie niekomercyjne – Bez utworów zależnych 4.0 Międzynarodowe (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).
The editorial office does not charge authors for publishing the text in the journal. Access to the content of the journal is free of charge. The journal does not publish advertisements. The sources of financing for the journal are the Legnica Diocese, the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław and the Diocesan Educational Center in Legnica. We will also apply for appropriate ministerial funding.
The History of the Journal
The journal ”Perspectiva. Legnica Theological-Historical Studies” was established in 2002 in the Legnica academic community gathered around the Higher Seminary of the Legnica Diocese in Legnica. The title of the journal refers to the famous work of Witelon – the first scholar in the history of Silesia living in Legnica at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. The journal’s own website was established in 2004. The following year, i.e. 2005, the journal was awarded ministerial points for the first time. In 2005, the publishing format changed from A5 to B5. The original version of the journal is the paper version. The internal layout of the journal is as follows: (1) foreword, (2) subsequent articles, (3) source texts, (4) reviews, discussions and reports, (5) notes about the authors, which are currently located in the footer on the first page of the beginning article. (6) table of contents. Number of MNiSW points: 2013 – 4; 2015 – 6; 2022 – 20; 2023 – 20.
The title of the magazine refers to the famous work of Witelon – the first scholar in the history of Silesia who lived in Legnica at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries.