PERSPEC✝IVA XXII 2024 nr 1 (44)

PERSPEC✝IVA XXII 2024 nr 1 (44)


Ks. Stanisław Araszczuk

  The ministry of the catechist in church documents and practice. Polish perspective

Abstract: One of the main topics of discussion currently taking place in the Church in Poland concerns the regulations related to the ministry of the catechist, introduced by Pope Francis in his motu proprio Antiquum ministerium, promulgated on 10 May 2021. According to the papal document, the ministry of the catechist is intended for both men and women, and the task of catechists is to collaborate with priests. In carrying out their ministry, catechists can lead community prayer, particularly the “Sunday liturgy in the absence of a priest or deacon”, minister to the sick, officiate at funerals, coordinate pastoral initiatives in the parish, and assist the poor. It is the responsibility of diocesan bishops to ensure the appropriate formation of candidates for the ministry of the catechist and to assess the needs of the community and the skills of the candidates. Catechists must have adequate biblical, theological, pastoral, and pedagogical preparation, as well as demonstrate human maturity. Therefore, dioceses should establish catechist schools. The ministry of the catechist has been known in the Church since its beginnings, although it has been carried out in different ways throughout history. Initially practiced by lay faithful, it later became reserved for those preparing for ordination. Vatican II reintroduced the renewal of ancient church ministries, understood as permanent ministries also available to lay faithful, and the ministry of the catechist is one such ministry.

Keywords: catechist, religious instruction teacher, lay missionary, new evangelization, parish pastoral work.

Ks. Adam Bilski

   Ethics of care. Attempt to actual care?

Abstract: This article presents the key issues related to the ethics of care. The author begins by outlining the development of the concept of care to dynamically illustrate the progress of the ethics of care. Carol Gilligan, Nel Noddings, and Virginia Held are mentioned as pioneers of the ethics of care, linking their views to feminism. At first, it may seem that feminism is a constitutive element of the ethics of care. However, this is a decidedly incorrect view, as the author, while showing the growing interest in the ethics of care, also lists representatives who have espoused their views independently of feminist thought. The most well-known among them are Paul Ramsey, Daniel Callahan, and Warren Thomas Reich.

Keywords: feminism, philosophy, ethics, ethics of care, justice, morality, relationships, society, doctor, patient.

Aleksandra Kołkowska OVd

  The state of widows (Ordo viduarum). Historical and theological sketch

Abstract: Widows enjoy God’s special care, and both the Bible and Tradition are a treasure trove of numerous examples of their lives filled with difficult experiences, as well as their courage, faith, trust, dedication, and denudement for the glory of God. The Church Fathers praise and elevate this state above remarriage. By the decision of the Commission for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments of the Polish Episcopate, the state of widows (ordo viduarum) was established so that through the act of blessing, widows could more fully devote themselves to prayer and service to the Church.

Keywords: widowhood, ordo viduarum, service, prayer.

Ks. Tomasz Kołodziej

 The mystagogical dimension of shaping the celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist

Abstract: The space for celebrating the liturgy of the Eucharist should reveal the structure of the Church as an organized people, a hierarchical and united community. This vision of the Church is present in the renewed liturgy. The head of the community celebrating the liturgy is Christ. It is He who initiates the salvific dialogue that is made present and continued in the celebration of the liturgy. True Christian liturgy is simply the life of Christ within us, which we live and celebrate. Therefore, the space for celebrating the liturgy is sacred. In the space for celebrating the Eucharistic liturgy, liturgical centers play an important role: the altar, the ambo, and the chair for the presider. An important space of celebration is the gathering place, which is the subject of this celebration. The space for celebrating the liturgy is a sign of God’s presence in the liturgy. Hence the concern for mystagogy, which means entering into the mystery of this presence. Seeking answers to questions about the essence and nature of mystagogy in the shaping of the space for celebrating the Eucharistic liturgy, as well as the ways and forms of its realization in shaping this space, are essential to understand the direction of liturgical celebrations in the conciliar renewal. Mystagogy, as a path leading into the meaning of this celebration, is based on the explanation of symbols and signs under which the liturgy is celebrated. Therefore, concern for its mystagogical character should also be manifested in the proper shaping of the space in which it is celebrated.

Keywords: mystagogy, liturgy, celebration of the liturgy, liturgical space, altar, ambo, place of presiding.

Ks. Michał Marciniak

 The tension between evangelization and social engagement in Catholic charismatic communities

Abstract: The aim of the article is to consider the issue of the integrity of tasks undertaken by Catholic Pentecostal communities concerning evangelization and social assistance. Over the years, there has been a tendency to overemphasize these realities, either by advocating social demands while downplaying spiritual needs, or conversely, by proclaiming the Gospel without addressing the economic and social needs of people. New evangelization conducted in an integral manner appears to offer a solution to this problem. A significant illustration is the Brazilian Church, which highlights the essence of the issue and one of the causes of the process of Pentecostalization.

Keywords: new evangelization, service to man, charismatic communities, pentecostal communities, pentecostalization, charismatic renewal.

Ks. Tomasz Pązik

 Trust of youth towards the Church based on a survey of high school graduates from the diocese of Legnica

Abstract: Numerous studies demonstrate that youth increasingly question the truths of the Catholic faith and Christian morality. There is a belief that young people are rejecting the teachings proclaimed by the Church, which leads to a negation of the Church’s authority in their eyes. A decline is also observed in the number of young people attending school religious education classes and participating in pastoral activities organized by parishes. The aim of this article is to present the level of religiosity among the youth in the Legnica diocese and their degree of trust in the Church, based on quantitative research conducted among high school graduates from the 2021/2022 academic year. The study involved 188 individuals from four pastoral regions of the Legnica diocese. A statistical analysis of the collected data was also performed to present the most significant statistical correlations.

Keywords: religiosity of youth, diocese of Legnica, catechesis, pastoral work, religious practices.

Małgorzata Rel

 Infinite reflections on mysticism

Abstract: Małgorzata Rel (1965-2022) never wrote this article; it is a compilation of papers and abstracts from her speeches and conference submissions found in her archives. Presented in this order, they touch on the social dimension of mysticism, then outline the ideal of a community sharing such experiences, and fi-nally focus on the example of the German philosopher Gerda Walther (1897-1977), who was at the center of her unfinished doctoral dissertation. In conclusion, the reflection leans towards the message that mystical experience is the foundation of Christian holiness. The heterogeneity of the individual fragments means that the presented contribution lacks an introduction and conclusion in the classical sense, but the compilation clearly shows the line of thought on mysticism that Rel followed in her scholarly work.

Keywords: mystical experience, mysticism, Gerda Walther, phenomenology, holiness.

Bp Andrzej Siemieniewski

 Pastoral challenge: should the Baptism in the Holy Spirit be shared with everyone in the Church?

Abstract: The practice of “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” is usually associated with one of the ecclesial movements, namely the Charismatic Renewal. However, in 2019, Pope Francis addressed the leaders of this movement with the following words: “The Baptism in the Holy Spirit must be shared with everyone in the Church”. This presents a significant challenge for pastoral theology, and this text undertakes the task of gradually approaching a possible practical response. The first step is to recognize that we are dealing with a supernatural gift (distinct from – though equally important – natural gifts). Next, this is a gift of grace, meaning it is unmerited: received with gratitude, it can be given to others without any merit on their part or ours. Another aspect is the ecumenical nature of this gift, as it has been experienced across all sectors of Christianity for over a century, belonging to none of them exclusively. This gift is closely tied to the biblical narrative, and therefore, sharing it should always be linked with the proclamation of the word, following the example of the Acts of the Apostles, “the first and fundamental manual of ecclesiology” (Pope Francis, 2021). An opportunity that may facilitate this task is the Jubilee of Redemption in 2033. The nineyear novena leading up to this date is shared by all of Christianity and is gradually penetrating the consciousness of an increasing number of believers of all denominations.

Keywords: Baptism, Bptism in the Holy Spirit, the action of the Holy Spirit, charismatic renewal, pastoral challenge.

Ks. Grzegorz Sokołowski

 Dynamics of structural and religious changes in the Archdiocese of Wrocław after 1945

Abstract: The formation of the Archdiocese of Wrocław in its current shape and population structure is linked to the post-war decision by Cardinal August Hlond to appoint apostolic administrators in the capital of the archdiocese, Wrocław, as well as in Opole and Gorzów, areas that constituted this ecclesiastical unit before World War II. The article presents the population groups that settled in Lower Silesia after the war, as well as the area’s demographic and religious structure from 1945 to the present day. It also highlights the main ecclesial events that have shaped the image of the Wrocław Church. The presented data comes from both published and previously unpublished reports and analyses. In the final section, the conducted research on religiosity in this area is discussed.

Keywords: Archdiocese of Wrocław, Research of religiosity, Lower Silesia, expatriations, History of the Church, Sociology of religion.

Michał Stachurski

 Homelessness and the crisis of relationships (?) – a perspective from dialogical and personalist approach

Abstract: Is homelessness a 21st-century issue? Situations related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the outbreak of war in Ukraine in 2022, show that a person can lose everything they have worked for their entire life in an instant. The crisis of homelessness can result from both culpable and non-culpable actions. The aim of this article is to attempt to elucidate, using selected viewpoints from the philosophy of dialogue and personalism, the problem of homelessness in the context of the crisis of relationships. The crisis of relationships will be the subject of a dual reflection: relationships before experiencing homelessness and relationships after experiencing homelessness.

Keywords: homelessness, relationships, philosophy of dialogue, personalism, crisis.

Ks. Andrzej Szafulski

 Macarisms as a vocation to happiness

Abstract: What is the purpose of human life? What is the ultimate goal of human actions? God does not leave humanity without answers to these fundamental questions. God proposes a path to happiness, which is the way of the Eight Beatitudes. These Beatitudes were proclaimed by Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount. Increasingly, they are being referred to as “makarisms”. They serve as a life program for each individual and for the entire community of believers. The Sermon on the Mount defines how Christians should behave in the earthly reality. The makarisms allow for liberation from the false values of the world. They can be described as the “identity card” of a Christian. Despite human limitations, they always lead to joy here on earth and ultimately to eternal happiness.

Keywords: beatitudes, The Sermon on the mount, macarisms, human happiness.

Rafał Szopa

 Spór między idealizmem a realizmem: kwestie podstawowe

Abstract: The topic of idealism and realism has been the subject of extensive literature. This article presents an overview of the most important aspects of the debate, which dates back to ancient times. Plato and Aristotle established the framework for this dispute, which has continued into modern times. In light of existential Thomism, the dispute between idealism and realism begins at the starting point of cognition. There is no bridge between thought and reality, but there is a walkway that is sometimes crossed by mathematics and experiments.

Keywords: idealism, realism, mathematics, universals, Thomism.


Ks. Adam Szpotański

 Polish emigrant clergy through the eyes of the security apparatus. Selected examples

Abstract: The state security apparatus in the Polish People’s Republic paid special attention to all socio-political activities of the Polish emigration. Among the many emigrant groups, the Security Service observed the Polish clergy as significant enemies of the system. Therefore, it undertook many actions aimed at gathering information and characterizing the activities of the Polish emigrant clergy.

Keywords: emigration, Polish clergy, enemies of the system.


Ks. Marcin Gazda

Lublin: Zgromadzenie Sióstr Służebniczek BDNP 2023 ss. 231

S. Małgorzata Gonciarz SSND

Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie 2023 ss. 520

Ks. Adam R. Prokop

Warszawa: Lira Publishing 2021 ss. 360

Michał Stachurski

Poznań: Silva Rerum 2022 ss. 228

Krzysztof Garczarek

Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 23 kwietnia 2024 r.