The Editorial Board will accept articles which nowhere previously were published. Beforehand the articles should be a subject to the stylistic – linguistic correction. We inform that each article before publishing is a subject to the scientific review. Decision on an order of printing the submitted articles belongs to the Editorial Board. Using the e-mail or regular mail you ought to pass on the consent in writing to publish the article on the websites.
The article that does not meet the following requirements will not be accepted to publication.
- The number of pages (including any appendixes, e.g. photos, tables, graphs) should be no more than 15 pages of A4 sheet of paper.
- Text should be written in typeface of size12.
- The distance between verses (space): 1,5.
- Text should be composed of short introduction, some parts preceded by captions and conclusions.
- Format of quotation in the text of the article: ordinary font (not italics or bold). The quotation always should be placed in quotation marks.
- Footnotes should be prepared according to the format appeared below (and on the website:
- You ought to include a summary in Polish from 6 up till 8 lines of the text (if possible also in foreign language with the translated title). If the whole article is written in foreign language, you should provide more extensive summary in Polish (2-4 pages of A4 sheet of paper).
- Note about the author should include: full name, scientific title, research centre, university, position, address, phone number, e-mail.
- You should include a complete biography of items used during the development of the article, as well as detailed list of abbreviations (we do not print the biography). Each abbreviation should be put in the text according to the example: Code of Canon Law (further: CCL).
- 10. Reviews and discussions of the books and the scientific session or conference reports should not exceed 3 pages of printout (A4 sheet of paper, font size: 12, space: 1.5). In the reviews, discussions and reports we do not use footnotes.
- We accept the historical materials (documents) that were not previously published into the source texts. Size of them together with 2-3 pages introduction should not exceed the size of the article.
- 12. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make necessary corrections.
Binding format of the footnotes in the journal of PERSPECTIVA
Each (popularly speaking) note consists of reference, i.e. numeral (written down in so called upper index, e.g. 15) and footnote, i.e. real text, preceded by the same numeral, as specified by introduced reference. The footnote is placed at bottom section of the page, exceptionally the note may be placed at the end, e.g. of the chapter. The example below refers to the order of notes on individual pages of the manuscript (computer print). So, if we below put the first quotation, thus we indicate that given scientific item is introduced into the paper for the first time. Announcement: second and next quotation suggests that from the given item we use for the second and each next time.
First quotation
1A. Lepa. Świat propagandy. Częstochowa 1994 p. 35.
2J. Majka. Etyka społeczna i polityczna. Warszawa 1993 p. 134.
3J. Majka. Katolicka nauka społeczna. Warszawa 1988 p. 235-237.
4P. Valadier. Nędza polityki i moc religii. (edition: 8.09.2010). If it is, e.g. the PDF file and there are pages you should indicate the number of the page (p. 5).
Second and next quotation in the same work (we cut the title and do not provide the abbreviation of name)
5Lepa. Świat propagandy. p. 38.
6Majka. Etyka społeczna. p. 135.
7IDEM. Katolicka nauka. p. 236.
8Ibidem. p. 256.
9 Valadier. Nędza polityki.
The last above note one may be written down in such way so that you know that we use Internet:
9 Valadier. Nędza polityki. (www: 8.09.2010).
IDEM refers to the author, therefore we use capitals.
Ibidem refers to the work: book, document, article, therefore we use italics like the title.
First quotation
1J. Mariański. Industrializacja a postawy religijne. In: Socjologia religii (Wybór tekstów). Edited by F. Adamski. Kraków 1984 p. 234.
2B. Strojnowska, J. Strojnowski. Dynamika grupowa i jej zastosowanie w dusz-pasterstwie. In: Wybrane zagadnienia z psychologii pastoralnej. Edited by Z. Chlewiński. Lublin 1989 p. 123.
3J. Wal. Wychowanie chrześcijan do czynnego udziału w życiu społecznym. In: Za-angażowanie chrześcijan w życiu społecznym. Edited by A. Marcol. Opole 1994 p. 145-148.
4J. Nagórny. Teologiczne podstawy uczestnictwa chrześcijan w życiu społecznym. In: Za-angażowanie chrześcijan. p. 79-80, 93.
Second quotation
5Mariański. Industrializacja. p. 35.
6Strojanowska, Strojanowski. Dynamika grupowa. p. 67-69.
7Wal. Wychowanie chrześcijan. p. 178.
8Nagórny. Teologiczne podstawy. p. 35.
The numbering of the journals is standardized, i.e. firstly a year’s issue (it informs how many years the magazine is published, it is often written in Roman numerals, e.g. XXX), then a particular year (e.g. 2013), then the issue number in the given year (e.g. no 2). At the end there is the given page (e.g. p. 5) and sometimes a marking of the text portion indicated already on given page (for example, we refer to point 13). Thus, the whole looks the following: “The title of the journal” 30:2013 No. 2 p. 5 (13)”. There are two important principles: (1) If any of the numbers does not exist, then there is no need to think it up, unless it is overlooked by the issuer; and (2) Each number has its place, so the order of their occurrence cannot be changed.
First quotation
Quotation with full name of the journal
1J. Szczepański. Człowiek w strukturach zła. „Ethos” 5:1992 No. 1 s. 66-76.
2W. Świerzawski. Życia sakramentalne parafii. „Colloquium Salutis” 20:1988 p. 51-68.
3R. Rak. Parafia – wspólnota i parafia – instytucja. „Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne” 32:1985 from 6 p. 39.
4B. Nadolski. Współczesne problemy odnowy liturgicznej. „Ateneum Kapłańskie” 78:1987 from 1 p. 60.
5Jan Paweł II. Przemówienie na spotkaniu z Prezydentem Republiki (Wiedeń, 11.09.1983). „L’Osservatore Romano” 4:1983 No. 9 p. 11 (3).
6Jan Paweł II. List do Kapłanów na Wielki Czwartek 1987. „L’Osservatore Romano” 8:1987 No. 4 p. 4 (10).
NOTICE! The number in parenthesis means concrete inner part of the text.
NOTICE! The ecclesiastical documents quote from the more serious editions, e.g. from „L’Osservatore Romano” (e.g. Polish edition).
Quotation from the journal with using the abbreviation
1J. Szczepański. Człowiek w strukturach zła. Eth 5: 1992 No.1 p. 66-76. (rather not use the abbreviation in this case because the title of journal is short)
2W. Świerzawski. Życia sakramentalne parafii. CS 20 :1988 p. 51- 68.
3R. Rak. Parafia – wspólnota i parafia – instytucja. RTK 32: 1985 from 6 p.39.
4B. Nadolski. Współczesne problemy odnowy liturgicznej. AK 78:1987 from 1 p. 60.
5Jan Paweł II. Przemówienie na spotkaniu z Prezydentem Republiki (Wiedeń, 11.09.1983). OR 4:1983 No. 9 p. 11 (3).
6Jan Paweł II. List do Kapłanów na Wielki Czwartek 1987. OR 8:1987 No. 4 s. 4 (10).
Second quotation
5Szczepański. Człowiek w strukturach. p. 70.
6Świerzawski. Życia sakramentalne. p. 69.
7Rak. Parafia – wspólnota. p. 47.
8Nadolski. Współczesne problemy. p. 61.
9Jan Paweł II. Przemówienie na spotkaniu z Prezydentem Republiki (Wiedeń, 11.09.1983). p.11 (4).
10Jan Paweł II. List do Kapłanów na Wielki Czwartek 1987. p. 4(11).
Quotation of particular entries that have given author
1H. Zimoń. Historia teologii. In: Encyklopedia Katolicka. T. 6. Edited by J. Walkusz [et al.]. Lublin 1993 Col. 958-960.
2H. Witczyk. Raj. In: Słownik teologiczny. T. 2. Edited by L. Kuc [et al.]. Katowice 1989 p. 190-191.
Quotation of particular entries that have no given author
1Pułkownik. In: Nowa encyklopedia powszechna PWN. T. 5. Edited by B. Petrozolin-Skowrońska et al.]. Warszawa 1996 p. 405.
2Ontogeneza. In: Encyklopedia powszechna PWN. T. 3. Edited by A. Bochnak et al.]. Warszawa 1975 p. 377-378.
Quotation of particular entries when the whole dictionary has one author
1H. Masson. Słownik herezji w Kościele katolickim. Entry: Arianizm. Katowice 1993 p. 67-70.
Examples of the footnotes when it is necessary to take into account the name of publishing house, series, number of next edition and title of particular volume
- Wojtyła. Miłość i odpowiedzialność. Lublin: TN KUL 1982 p. 15.
- Sutowicz. Kultura religijna mniszek śląskich w okresie średniowiecza. Legnica 2016
(Biblioteka Diecezji Legnickiej. T. 66) s. 25. - Bronk. Wielkość nauk i jedność nauki. In: S. Kamiński. Nauka i metoda. Pojęcie nauki i klasyfikacja nauk. Lublin: TN KUL 19924 p. 345-347.
Studia metafilozoficzne. T. 1: Dyscypliny i metody filozofii. Edited by A. B. Stępień, T. Szubka. Lublin: TN KUL 1993.
If a new work is introduced into the work to be quoted, it is always provided the whole bibliographical description (name [first letter with dot], surname, title, place and year of edition, and also when it is necessary the pages from which we use). This rule is also compulsory when we quote the article for the first time from the collective work. It means that you have always to provide: name, surname and title of the article – what is obvious, but after the In: – you should provide: title, editor, place and year of edition and always page or pages. At the second and next quotations one may withdraw from this rule and suitably to shorten the collective work. Such behavior can be justified at least by two arguments which are not mutually exclusive: a) the collective work is used many times; b) the title of the work is long enough so often reminding about it may introduce more discomfort in orientation than clarity in perception of the content of the footnote.
There are different „schools” of introducing the remarks (tips, sources etc.) in the footnotes starting from abbreviations v. (vide), cf. (confer). You ought to accept the method not enough common but rather logical. Namely:
- – we use then, when we want to refer the reader to literature in order to expand his/her knowledge on given topic marked by reference (number of the reference).
- – we use then, when we want so that the reader really to use another depiction. For example, we write about culture in theological terms, and we refer him to the same culture but already e.g. in the philosophical terms. Either e.g. we consider one concept of the matter and the spirit (Christian) and we want, for comparison, refer the reader to another concept (e.g. materialistic).
We write neither v., nor cf. if we quote literally (then in the text you put the quotation Mark and therefore there is no need to double the marking), and also then when we give back as a matter of fact the adopted thought but we do it either in our own words or insignificantly change the text, but the contents is fully remained (paraphrase). Sometimes modification of the text may validate a need of using cf. It seems however that the largest argument speaking for this way of quotation is modification of the text resulting from translation of one language into another.
*In the article an abbreviation (except abbreviations of particular books of the Holy Bible) should be always explained, e.g. Katechizm Kościoła Katolickiego (further: KKK).
*To the text in parenthesis we add references to:
– The Holy Bible e.g. (Mt 5,10), (Mk 12,1-3), Luke 14,5-6.10.18), (Gen 1,1-2,4)
– Conciliar documents, e.g. (KDK 12), (KL 13, 20, 35)
– Encyclical, e.g. (VS 5)
– Exhortation, e.g. (ChL 24)
– Other important and often repeated documents, e.g. KPK, KKK
One should pay attention here that after comma, dot, semicolon, or abbreviation of the quoted document there is always the long dash. In quotation mark after abbreviation of the document it is not necessary to use abbreviation of the number in a form of e.g. (VS no 5). One should write shortly: (VS 5).
*Writing the paper one should pay attention to the hyphen: – (short dash), which never exists independently, only it is always connected with other words or numbers, for example social-economic; deduction-critic method; p. (pages) 12-15.
The hyphen differs from the dash and pause which are always marked as follows: – (long dash: press Ctrl and Alt+0150). The dashes and pauses are never connected with the words or numerals. For example, the work – in opinion of John Paul II – is a key to solution of the social issues.
*After punctuation marks: dot, comma, semicolon, colon, suspension points – we always put one space. Also, after the closing quotation mark and the parenthesis we put one space. While after the opening quotation mark and the opening parenthesis we never put space. After the exclamation mark and the question mark – we always do one space.